For Brazilian Executives and Business Professionals Who Want To REALLY Evolve High In Career & English
Upgrade Your English, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership & Team Management Skills
The Simple, Pragmatic and Brilliant Way To High Career Evolution
Pressured to improve performance, team management, leadership and English communication?
Do you manage difficult tasks and people? Do they affect your emotional balance and performance?
Do you want to advance in emotional intelligence, leadership skills and English domain simultaneously?
Hi! My name is Ramlit Navarro, from the Philippines.
I´ve been helping Brazilian executives in career evolution and corporate English mastery since 2006. They are rare and are considered the best in the market.
Here´s the truth:
Only 1% of Brazilians have reached high-level English and career.
Would you like to be one of them?
Mônica Lancha (Oncology, Hospital Line, Access, Marketing & Sales Expert)
Davi Lauretti (Marketing Professional)
Rodolfo de Souza Lopes (Global Strategic Account Manager)
Anna Paula Caleffi Rufino (Marketing & Bank Executive)
Cândido DeOuro Preto (COO, Vice-President, Founder & Entrepreneur)
Kleber Vargas Nunes (Vice-President, New Business & Technical Area)
Luciana Garcia Lauretti (CEO, Founder & Consultant)
Renata Jaquetti (Lawyer & Tax Planning Manager)
Flavio Capitão (Lawyer & Commercial Director)
Marcelo Franco Campos (COO, Investment & International Arbitrage Expert)
Fernanda Soares Moreira (Fiscal Accounting Manager)
Marcelo Cabral de Mello (Country Manager & Automobile Industry Expert)
Evelin Nunes (Sourcing Excellence Manager)
Filipe Pelissari (Financial Director)
You Can Surely Evolve Like Them
With clear focus and goals, you can master emotional intelligence, people management and leadership skills in English.
I wonder what you think about this...
But it´s really a practical way to transformation.
Imagine yourself diving deep into emotional intelligence, leadership and English language ALL IN ONE JOURNEY for greater freedom, admiration and fulfilment in professional life.
That´s how highly evolved professionals feel and I am here to help you feel that way too.
This is for you!
Watch the video now!
Powerful Benefits of This Course To You
Companies prefer to promote professionals with developed leadership skills and unique characteristics that include:
* being calm in a crisis
* dealing well with upset customers and employees
* exemplifying self-control
* approaching problems methodically
Workplace stress can lead to loss of balance and unpleasant behaviors. This course will help you:
* manage your emotions and those of others
* recognize and control negative feelings
* take responsibility for your actions
* manage your expectations
* engage in positive interpersonal relationships
# 3 CONSTRUCTIVE REACTION TO CRITICISMS Nobody enjoys receiving negative feedback. It can drive people to become defensive and bite back with an emotional reaction. But who wants to work with employees who cannot absorb criticism and learn from it? With high EQ, you will:
* better recognize and control negative emotions you may feel at the moment
* avoid acting and speaking defensively
# 4 CONQUER FEARS, DOUBTS AND INSECURITIES Everybody has limitations, failed projects, and doubts about themselves from time to time. You may get disappointed, upset and anxious. Emotional intelligence helps you to:
* deal with setbacks and frustrations effectively
* equip with competencies to be more resilient
* move forward positively
If you cannot manage your emotion, you will end up expressing your feelings and fail in your communication. This course will help you:
* manage your emotions
* take responsibility for your feelings
* communicate what you need rather than what you feel
You only need a negative emotion and reaction to create a bad atmosphere. Bad mood spreads fast. Negativity is contagious. This course helps you:
* develop higher awareness
* see how your emotions can negatively influence others if you don´t manage them
* recognize opportunities for growth
* turn the team to focus on staying positive
# 7 DEAL WITH CHANGE AND UNCERTAINTY Change provokes feelings of uncertainty. Stress can peak while morale and productivity fall. These feelings intensify if the change is sudden or negative. You cannot avoid change - NOT especially in business. Your only option in dealing with it is emotional intelligence. This course will help you:
* determine the best response to change
* make necessary adjustments
* keep your inner peace
# 8 IDENTIFY POTENTIAL MENTAL HEALTH RISKS When your workplace becomes stressful, or conflict is the norm, it can seriously affect your mental health. Emotional intelligence is not only a skill to learn. It should be obligatory for management. This course enables you to:
* recognize emotional risk indicators in your team
* change inadequate coping mechanisms
* offer help and support earlier before things get worse
* know what to do with toxic people and environment
# 9 RAISE LEVEL OF MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE Maintaining regular high level of motivation and performance is a challenge. In this course, you will learn how to:
* create your state of flow
* overcome worries
* build consistent self-motivation dynamics
* be in touch with your higher intelligence
When you have high level of emotional intelligence, you can easily understand employees emotions and responses, and draw intelligent conclusions. As results, you can:
* identify motivators for the team and things which discourage them
* increase employee engagement
* help others express themselves positively and handle negative feelings productively
* understand each other´s needs and communicate better
* avoid being bogged down by confrontation
It is difficult to deal with clients who are rude, angry and unreasonable. Some professionals get emotional, defensive and frustrated for lack of emotional intelligence. This course will teach you to:
* recognize the customer´s emotions without taking them personally
* identify and control your own negative emotions
* show empathy for the customer
* use intelligence over emotions
* work towards solutions in a creative way
# 12 ELEVATE YOUR ENGLISH SKILLS You are learning precious content in English which has direct impact on your career. It is a deep dive into psychological and linguistic development. Expect huge upgrade in:
* new vocabulary and advanced collocations
* comprehension level expansion
* "thinking in English" experience
* personal and professional transformation through English
* Lifetime access (or as long as the platform exists).
* Feel free to watch anywhere, any time at your convenience.
* All video lessons have corresponding subtitles to speed up English language learning.
Advance your emotional intelligence and English with this course!
Sign Up Now!
For Business Professionals
Master Course
(A Journey Towards Career & English High Evolution)
As you sign up for the course, get this whole package of bonus for FREE!
Boost Your Career and English 10x
R$ 90
Receive this ultimate guide to polyglot executives!
Learn the 4 high-evolution tactics for long-lasting results to your life and career.
Get your copy of Boost Your Career And English 10X (4-Step Evolutionary Learning Tactics For Brazilian Business Professionals).
Assessing Emotional Intelligence (Guide)
R$ 150
This manual is a real aid for people manageent and effective leadership. You will learn the art of asking powerful questions, assess answers and help raise emotional intelligence among your peers and staff.
Simple Solutions To Start Now To Live A Stress-Free Life
R$ 77
Stress is part of a high performing lifestyle. We need to control stress. The problem is when stress controls us.
This kindle book Stress Management: Simple Solutions To Start Now To Live A Stress-Free helps you manage stress in a lot of practical ways. Learn what changes to be made to have a stress-free lifestyle. Have a healthier and fuller life!
1-on-1 Career & English Assessment Session with Ramlit
R$ 500
Ramlit will personally and technically evaluate your career satisfaction-level and English language skills! Don´t miss this FREE one-on-one online assessment session!
ITEM 1 - Emotional Intelligence Master Course
R$ 497
ITEM 2 - Boost Your Career and English 10X
R$ 90
ITEM 3 - Stress Management: Simple Solutions To Start Now To Live A Stress-Free Life
R$ 77
ITEM 4 - Emotional Intelligence Manual For Leaders
R$ 150
ITEM 5 - 1-on-1 Career & English Assessment Session with Ramlit
R$ 500
High Evolution Method
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Highly successful people are masters of their game and are committed to strategic learning. Strategic learning means learning with purpose.
Whether you're trying to learn a language or any other valuable skill, the principles of strategic learning are the same. This is why it's an important concept to understand.
High Evolution Method is exactly putting the principles of strategic learning into four practical steps to help mainly Brazilian business professionals improve their professional skills and take their English language domain to another level.
Its aim is to propel aspiring professionals to higher positions and greater career accomplishments.
4 Practical Steps To High Evolution
STEP 1: Focus On Output
You don’t want shallow learning that fails you time and time again. You need a learning process that works for you. You must acquire deep learning!
Choose high-quality input and implement it in the world.
That’s how the real power of learning makes a difference.
STEP 2: Reflect On Relevance
Connect what you’ve learned to other things that you know. How does the learning material connect with your life and career? Is there any cross-over?
The more connections you make in your brain, the more information you'll retain. More than that, the more relevance you find in your learning, the more useful it becomes. It becomes less of an abstract idea and more of a useful tool.
Your brain loves utility!
You can do it in two ways.
First, be an expert in your own field! If you are an IT manager, then be an expert English speaking IT manager!
Second, you may use this learning strategy to master emotional intelligence, the mother of all soft skills. When companies assess their staff, they hugely evaluate performance and potentials based on soft skills. Having them is a clear advantage to career life.
STEP 3: Implement The Content
The best way to use what you learn is to put it into practice—learning by doing.
If you want to improve your English, you will need to practice, practice, practice! That is equally true with any soft skills to learn and practice.
One important aspect of learning fast is frequently practicing. The most important part is that you practice as often as you can and stick to it.
The more we repeat an action, the faster it's cemented into our brains.
“Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power. Execution of your knowledge is power.” - Tony Robbins
STEP 4: Share Your Learning
The best way to learn something is to teach it.
When you share things with other people, you’re helping your brain pay more attention. Not only will that information further cement in your brain, but the brain will begin to pay more attention to the learning material.
When you teach and share knowledge, you’re setting yourself on the path to mastery.
ITEM 1 - Emotional Intelligence Master Course
R$ 497
ITEM 2 - Boost Your Career and English 10X
R$ 90
ITEM 3 - Stress Management: Simple Solutions To Start Now To Live A Stress-Free Life
R$ 77
ITEM 4 - Emotional Intelligence Manual For Leaders
R$ 150
ITEM 5 - 1-on-1 Career & English Assessment Session with Ramlit
R$ 500
O Que Estão Dizendo?
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dentro do período indicado que devolveremos 100% do valor sem questionamentos.
Quem é Ramlit Navarro?
Beloved Life - Todos os Direitos Reservados
Copyright 2024
CONTATO: [email protected]
AVISO LEGAL: Qualquer informação presente no site “High Evolution” e de seus produtos, não devem ser considerados como um ganho comum, ganho exato ou promessa de sucesso. As lições e orientações de Emotional Intelligence Master Course For Business Professionals não garantem resultados, uma vez que isso depende exclusivamente do trabalho e dedicação individual de cada um. Todas as informações dos visitantes, como nome e e-mail, são protegidas, e não serão compartilhadas, divulgadas, ou vendidas para terceiros. Ao se registrar neste site, o usuário cadastrado receberá outras promoções de cursos sobre Life & Career High Evolution.
RAMLIT DULGUIME NAVARRO - CNPJ: 28.032.937/0001-68